Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Corn Chip, Normal Chip?

I found this incredibly interesting and iam not sure if you lads and ladettes will but i will share it with you anyway.

If i gave you a corn chip, but told you it was a normal chip and you had no idea it was a corn chip. Wouldn't you think it was just a really bad normal chip.

You might think this is small but what i have done there is insane. Through just me convincing you this type of food is something else i've made you dislike something you previously would have liked without my interference. You assumed it was a normal chip and when eating it the chip did not live up to your assumption, in turn making you assume that there was something wrong with it.

Try this at home but use something that looks similar, make mash potato look like ice cream and watch the confusion. Its amazing how much we can sway peoples feelings on something that is as simple and natural as taste/eating

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Open we feel fine

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Friday, January 7, 2011

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Chicken nuggets vs your need to seem mature.

Do you ever have family gatherings? All the family turns up at some mediocre bulk food eatery to celebrate some old relatives milestone who you may have only met in your younger days.

The tables always had these defining split which i never understood. The kids table and the adults table. Sitting on the kids table i always had a uncontrollable urge to be on the adults. It seemed so classy and cool compared to my plastic cups i would always try and sneak over.

Now in my 21st year were i will be celebrating a milestone of my own i can only think of one thing. I want god damn chicken nuggets!

I hate how we sit and try to like all these "exotic" foods over and over. Trying to over think wine flavour while dressing and acting the way we never would.

Lets be more real kids we haven't grown up yet and we never will.